Nov 11 2021

Against Exclusivity: New Aesthetics in Literature and Film

November 11 - 12, 2021




Chicago, IL


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2021 Max Kade Conference

Organizers: Nadjib Sadikou (Max Kade Visiting Professor, UIC/Europa-Universität Flensburg) and Imke Meyer (UIC)

Join via Zoom:

Detailed Schedule

Thursday, November 11, 2021

3:30pm - Welcome
  • José Camacho (Director, School of Literatures, Cultural Studies & Linguistics, UIC)
  • Susanne Rott (Head, Department of Germanic Studies, UIC)
3:45 - Panel I
  • Priscilla Layne (Germanic Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
    “What Is the Black in Black German Literature?”
  • Birgit Tautz (George Taylor Files Professor of Modern Languages, Bowdoin College)
    “Critiquing Europe – But is it all Fake? Erich Scheurmann’s Der Papalagi (1920)”
  • Moderator: Heidi Schlipphacke (Germanic Studies, UIC)

Friday, November 12, 2021

9:00am - Keynote
  • Introduction: Susanne Rott (Head, Germanic Studies, UIC)
  • Nadjib Sadikou (Max Kade Visiting Professor, UIC/ Europa-Universität Flensburg, Germany)
    “Writing Against Exclusivity: Some Reflections on the New Aesthetics of Wide Diversity”
10:15am - Panel II
  • Sigrid Köhler (Neuere deutsche Literatur, Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen)
    “In the Antechamber of Speech: Belonging and the Aesthetics of Truth Telling in Olivia Wenzel's Novel 1000 Serpentinen Angst
  • Lucas Riddle (Mellon Postdoc Fellow, Bowdoin College)
    “The Humorous, Frivolous, Precarious Everyday in the Refugee Narratives of Mounira Al-Solh, Abbas Khider, and Hamed Abboud”
  • Moderator: Elizabeth Loentz (Germanic Studies, UIC)
11:30am - Panel III
  • Chunjie Zhang (German and Comparative Literature, University of of California at Davis)
    “On the Freedom of Choosing Our Identity”
  • Catriona MacLeod (Frank Curtis Springer and Gertrude Melcher Springer Professor in the College and Germanic Studies, University of Chicago)
    “Making the Invisible Visible: Women’s Craft in the Age of Goethe”
  • Moderator: Sara Hall (Germanic Studies, UIC)
12:45pm - Break
1:30pm - Panel IV
  • Matthias Bauer (Germanistik, Europa-Universität Flensburg)
    “Wim Wenders’ Land of Plenty and the Concern for Inclusion”
  • Laurie Johnson (Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
    “Aesthetics and Ethics in Photojournalism and Documentary on Armed Conflict"
  • Moderator: Susanne Rott (Head, Germanic Studies, UIC)
2:45pm - Panel V
  • Iulia-Karin Patrut (Germanistik, Europa-Universität Flensburg)
    “Franz Kafka's Narrative Process: Non-Participation from the Perspective of the Excluded”
  • Carl Niekerk (Germanic Languages and Literatures and Comparative Literature, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
    “Orientalism, the Borders of Europe, and the Rise of Fascism in Franz Werfel's Die vierzig Tage des Musa Dagh (1933)”
  • Moderator: Patrick Fortmann (Germanic Studies, UIC)
4:00pm - Panel VI (UIC Graduate Student Roundtable)
  • Wiktoria Adamczyk: "Contemporary Silesian Art Against the Exclusivity of Silesia”
  • Charlie Johnson: "Alternative Dialectics: Intertextuality in Uwe Timm’s Morenga
  • Kelsi Morefield: "Hybridity in Morenga: How Uwe Timm Uses Form and Opposing Perspectives to Reflect Postcolonial Aesthetics”
  • Lara Schlömer: "Writing Against the Exclusivity of Origin: Saša Stanišić's Herkunft"
  • Essowazina Tchatakoura: "Colonization and the Othering of Africa"
  • Andrew Tuider: "Similarities in Waberi's In the United States of Africa"
  • Patrick White: "Endless Masquerade"
  • Moderator: Imke Meyer (Germanic Studies, UIC)
5:30pm - Concluding Remarks

Sponsored by:

  • Germanic Studies
  • School of Literatures, Cultural Studies and Linguistics
  • Institute for the Humanities
  • Max Kade Foundation


School of Literatures, Cultural Studies and Linguistics

Date posted

Oct 27, 2021

Date updated

Nov 3, 2021