Wiktoria Adamczyk
PhD Candidate
Germanic Studies
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Building & Room:
1526 UH
601 S. Morgan St.
I am an A.B.D. Ph.D. student in Germanic Studies. My dissertation, “Rethinking Heimat. Traces of Utopia in Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s Oeuvre,” is focused on Rainer Werner Fassbinder and his oeuvre. I trace moments of utopia in Fassbinder’s films and analyze his attempts to imagine Germany differently. I have conducted research at the DFF Fassbinder Center in Frankfurt. My research interests include German Cinema, utopianism, hope and resistance, historical materialism, translation studies, Polish-German translations, the function of language in society, comparative literature, cognitive poetics, and philosophy.
I received my B.A. in Jewish Studies in 2015 from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków defending my BA thesis, entitled: „Life is a poetry. An Avant-garde life of Else Lasker Schüler (11.02.1869- 22.01.1945).” Jewish life in Poland, Hebrew, and Yiddish were my major fields of research at that time. I have always been interested in language, culture, history, philosophy, art, political science, and German literature and culture. In Fall 2019 I earned my M.A. in Holocaust Studies at Haifa University in Israel, where my research projects included “The Linguistic Violence of Nazi Propaganda” and “The Representation of Polish-Jewish Relations in Polish Art after ’89.” This experience afforded me the opportunity to enmesh myself in the complexities of Jewish and Israeli histories. In 2021 I earned an MA in German Philology from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland (M.A. thesis: „Explikation als eine Übersetzungsstrategie. Eine translatorische Analyse der polnischen Übersetzung des Romans Vielleicht Esther von Katja Petrowskaja.“)