Dagmar Lorenz, PhD
Professor Emerita
Germanic Studies
Major Interests:
Post-Enlightenment Austrian, German and German-Jewish literature and culture; Holocaust literature and film; Women’s writing
Selected Grants
Istitute for the Humanities, Flashbacks. Chicago and Vienna. Two Cities in Dialogue: The Vienna Leopoldstadt and Chicago's Maxwell Street Neighborhood, co-awardee with Helga Kraft
Simon-Dubnow Institute, Simon-Dubnow Institute Visiting Seminar Coordinator Grant, in conjunction with the DAAD Interdisciplinary Summer Seminar
Humanities Lab (UIC), Berlin-Vienna-Chicago, co-awardee with Helga Kraft
Institute for the Humanities, Elsa Bernstein Symposium, grant-in-aid
Selected Publications
- Keepers of the Motherland: German Texts by Jewish Women Writers (1997)
- Verfolgung bis zum Massenmord. Diskurse zum Holocaust in deutscher Sprache (1992)
- Franz Grillparzer (1986)
- Ilse Aichinger (1982)
Edited Volumes
- Elsa Porges-Bernstein alias Ernst Rosmer: Woman,Writer, Holocaust Survivor: a Critical Anthology (coedited with Helga W. Kraft, 2006)
- A Companion to the Works of Elias Canetti (2004)
- A Companion to the Works of Arthur Schnitzler (2003)
- Contemporary Jewish Writing in Austria (1999).
- Transforming the Center, Eroding the Margins: Essays on Ethnic and Cultural Boundaries in German‑Speaking Countries (coedited with Renate S. Posthofen (1998).
- Insiders and Outsiders. Jewish and Gentile Culture in Germany and Austria (1994).
Co-edited sections in conference proceedings
- Formen literarischer und intellektueller Zusammenarbeit (coed. with Julian Preece). Publikationen der Internationen Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG), vol. 13 (Bern: Peter Lang, 2012), 281-348.
- Women Writers and the Problem of Relationships: Identity Issues in the Narratives and Lives of European Women Authors (coed. with Helga W. Kraft). In: The European Mind. Narrative and Identity. Proceedings of the X World Congress of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas 2006. Vol. 1/3 (Malta: Malta UP, 2008), pp. 612-650. With contributions by D. Lorenz, H. Kraft, H. Neemann, L. Vandi, J. Sellery.
54 Articles in Journals and Yearbooks including:
- „Das umstrittene Land vom Kahlenberg.‘ Wien und seine jüdische Topographie.“ Jahrbuch der Grillparzer-Gesellschaft. 3. Folge, vol. 24 (2012), 27-46.
- „Der Letzte am Ziel des Erfolges: Canetti und seine Beziehungen zu Frauen seines englischen Exilkreises.“ Formen literarischer und intellektueller Zusammenarbeit, eds. Dagmar Lorenz and Julian Preece. Publikationen der Internationen Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG), 13 (Bern: Peter Lang, 2012), 327-332.
- “The Uncanny Alps: Geography, Memory and Suffering in Clemens Eich’s Das steinerne Meer.” Austrian Studies (UK) 18 (2010). “Austria and the Alps,” 89-105.
- „Entschleierte Erotik. Sexualbeziehungen als Machtverh@ltnisse bei Albert Drach und Elfriede Jelinek,” ÖGL [Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur] 52/4-5a (2008), 211-223.
- „Familie und Rollenverweigerung in Grillparzers Der arme Spielmann und Kafkas Die Verwandlung,” Jahrbuch der Grillparzer-Gesellschaft. 3. Folge, vol. 22 (2007-2008), 109-129.
- „Transatlantic Perspectives on Men, Women, and Other Primates: The Ape Motif in Kafka, Canetti, and Cooper’s and Jackson’s King Kong Films,” Women in German Yearbook 23 (2007), 156-178.
- „Viennese Memories of History and Horrors,” Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature 31/1 (2007), 236-257.
- „Transformationen der Avantgarde: Veza Canetti, Elfriede Jelinek und Ruth Beckermann.” Jahrbuch der Theodor-Kramer-Gesellschaft 9. Zwischenwelt. Frauen im Exil, ed. Siglinde Bolbecher (2007), 250-267.
74 Articles and Chapters in Books including:
- Imaginierte Körperfarben. Zur Konstruktion und Kritik rassistisch besetzter Farbsemantiken das Jüdische betreffend.” Die Farben imaginierter Welten. Zur Kulturgeschichte ihrer Codierung in Literatur und Kunst vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, ed. Monika Schausten (Berlin: Akademie, 2012), 183-199.
- Visions of Violence in the Austrian Landscape in Bachmann’s Three Paths to the Lake and Clemens Eich’s Sea of Stone: Two Writers in Discourse with War and Fascism.” “Die Waffen nieder!/ Lay down your weapons!” Ingeborg Bachmanns Schreiben gegen den Krieg, ed. Kurt Solibakke (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2012). 245-257.
- “Gender, Pornography, and History in the Fiction of Albert Drach and Elfriede Jelinek.“ Contested Passions. Sexuality, Eroticism, and Gender in Modern Austrian Literature and Culture. Austrian Culture vol. 16. Ed. Clemens Ruthner and Raleigh Whitinger (New York: Peter Lang, 2011), 349-359.
- „Flucht- und Endpunkt Avantgarde. Zwei Städte, zwei Traditionen, zwei Autorinnen: Veza Taubner-Calderon (Canetti) und Gertrud Chodziesner (Kolmar).“ Apropos Avantgarde. Neue Einblicke nach einhundert Jahren, eds. Dolors Sabaté Planes and Jaime Feijóo (Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2011), 117-134.
- „Die Kultur des Schtetls und die osteuropäischen ‘Anderen’ als Identitätsvorlagen bei deutschsprachigen jüdischen Autoren und Autorinnen,“ Konzeption Osteuropa. Der Osten als Konstrukt der Fremd- und Eigenbestimmung in deutschsprachigen Texten des 19. Und 20. Jahrhunderts, ed. Lorenz/Spoerk (2011).
- “A New Community of Women: Barbara Albert’s Nordrand/Northern Skirts.” Chapter 5. New Austrian Film. Ed. Robert Dassanowsky and Oliver Speck (Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2011), 81-93.
- “Sterbenswünsche: Marlene Streeruwitz’ Morire in levitate.” Marlene Streeruwitz. Dossier 27, ed. Günter Höfler und Gerhard Melzer (Graz: Droschl, 2008), 129-146.
- “Vladimir Vertlib, a Global Intellectual: Exile, Migration, and Individualism in the Narratives of a Russian Jewish Author in Austria.” Beyond Vienna. Contemporary Literature from the Austrian Provinces, ed. Todd C. Hanlin ─ (Riverside: Aridane Press, 2008), 230-261.
- “Introduction.” Rebirth of a Culture. Jewish Identity and Jewish Writing in Germany and Austria Today, ed. Hillary Hope Herzog, Todd Herzog, Benjamin Lapp (New York: Berghahn, 2008), 1-17.
- “Elias and Veza Canett’s Exile Experience. A Text-Based Exploration.” ISSEI Vol. 1/3 (2008). Workshop 3: Women Writers and the Problem of Relationships: Identity Issues in the Narratives and Lives of European Women Authors associated with Relationships, Heterosexual, Lesbian, Platonic, or the Lack of Attachment. 141-150.
- “Introduction” (with Helga W. Kraft). ISSEI Vol. 1/3 (2008). Workshop 3: Women Writers and the Problem of Relationships: Identity Issues in the Narratives and Lives of European Women Authors associated with Relationships, Heterosexual, Lesbian, Platonic, or the Lack of Attachment. 137-149
- “The Milburns and the Toogoods: Elias and Veza Canetti’s Experience of Exile.” The Worlds of Elias Canetti: Centenary Essays, ed. William Collins Donahue and Julian Preece (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007), 63-82. (appeared 2008).
- “Kafka und Gender.” Kafka-Handbuch. Leben—Werk—Wirkung, ed. Bettina von Jagow and Oliver Jahraus (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008), 371-386.
- “Teaching The Tin Drum from the Perspective of Jewish Cultural Studies and Holocaust Studies.” Approaches to Teaching Grass’s The Tin Drum, ed. Monika Shafi (New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2008), 150-163.
- “Ideology and Criticism in the Novel and the Film Die Ausgesperrten [Wonderful, Wonderful Times],” Elfriede Jelinek. Writing Woman, Nation, and Identity. A Critical Anthology, ed. Matthias P. Konzett and Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger (Madison: Farleigh Dickinson UP, 2007), 55-75.
- “Elemente jüdischen Schreibens und die textuelle Konstruktion jüdischer Identität nach der Schoah,” Akten des XI. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Paris 2005. “Germanistik der im Konflikt der Kulturen.” Vol. 12, ed. Akten des XI. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Paris 2005. “Germanistik der im Konflikt der Kulturen. (Bern: Peter Lang, 2007), 239-245.
- “Grillparzer’s Attitude toward the State, the Nation, and Nationalism.” Aneignungen, Entfremdungen. The Austrian Playwright Franz Grillparzer (1791-1872), ed. Marianne Henn, Clemens Ruthner, Raleight Whitinger (New York: Peter Lang, 2007), 1-21.
- “Weibliche Emanzipation in der postfeministischen Gesellschaft. Frischmuths Roman Der Sommer, in dem Anna verschwunden war (2004). Dossier Barbara Frischmuth, eds. Silvana Cimenti and Ingrid Spörk (Graz: Droschl, 2007), 11-34.
- Elizabeth Loentz, “‘Das Jüdisch-Deutsche ist doch auch ein Reis vom Stamme unserer Muttersprache.‘ Joseph Wohlgemuths Verteidigung der jiddischen Sprache um die Zeit des Ersten Weltkriegs.“ Konzeption Osteuropa, ed. Lorenz/Spoerk (2011), 177-198.
- Sander Gilman, „Gibt es neue ‚Ostjuden‘ in der deutsch-jüdischen Gegenwartsliteratur?“ Konzeption Osteuropa, ed. Lorenz/Spoerk (2011), 259-278.
Book Reviews
- „Viele Philosophen sind des Dichters Tod“: Elias Canetti s Die Blendung und die abendländische Philosophie, by Katrin Schneider. Journal of Austrian Studies 45/1-2 (2012), 154-154.
- Schnitzler’s Hidden Manuscripts, ed. Lorenzo Bellettini and Peter Hutchinson. Journal of Austrian Studies 45/1-2 (2012), 135-137.
- Women and Death 3. Women’s Representations of Death in German Culture since 1500, eds. Clare Richards and Anna Richards. Modern Language Review 106, pt. 4 (2011), 1200-1202.
- Kafkas fast unbekannter Freund. Leben und Werk von Felix Weltsch. Zionist, Journalist, Philosoph, by Carsten Schmidt. Modern Austrian Literature 44.1-2 (2011). 92-94.
- Die Facetten des Alter(n)s. Annotierte interdisziplinäre Bibliographie zur modernen Gerontologie im deutschen Sprachraum. Sachtexte und Belletristik, by Gerd K. Schneider. German Quarterly 84/2 (2011), 272-273.
Notable Honors
2005, Conference Fellowship Support - Symposium “Freedom of Cultural Expression”, DAAD
2004, External Award Recognition (MALCA Presidency), University of Illinois at Chicago
2002, Foreign Travel Award - ISSEI Conference. University of Wales, Aberystwyth. To present “Flight from Society.”, University of Illinois at Chicago
2002, DAAD Interdisciplinary Summer Seminar in German Studies. Einstein Forum, Potsdam., DAAD and UIC Humanities Lab
PhD, University of Cincinnati
Selected Presentations
- "Over-writing Experience: Ilse Aichinger’s Novel Die gröβere Hoffnung (1948).” 36th Annual GSA Conference, October 4-7, 2012 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- "International Espionage, Intrigue, and Love in the Fiction of Mitgutsch, Rabinovici, and Vertlib,” Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Associaton (MALCA), Annual Conference, Long Beach, California, April 27, 2012.
- "Ilse Aichinger and Kafka: Kafka as the Touchstone of Aichinger’s Jewish Identity after the Holocaust.” Kafka and the Holocaust. A Special Session. Presiding: Marie Luise Caputo-Mayr, Temple University, Philadelphia; Moderation: Dagmar C. G. Lorenz. Kafka Society Convention Program. Modern Language Association, Annual Convention. Seattle, WA January 2012.
- "Two Awakenings: Schnitzler’s Traumnovelle in Light of Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut.” German Studies Association, Annual Conference. Louisville, KY, October 2011.