Photo of Cook-White, Patrick William

Patrick William Cook-White, MA

PhD Candidate

Max Kade Fellow

Germanic Studies

Pronouns: He/Him/His


Building & Room:

1526 UH


601 S. Morgan St.


Patrick Cook-White received his MA from the University of Leipzig (Germany) in 2013 and is a PhD Candidate and TA in the Department of Germanic Studies. He is currently working on his dissertation, tentatively titled  “Dis/Enchanted Subjects? The Gypsy in German-language Literature from Romanticism to Naturalism.” The dissertation examines the literary figure of the gypsy in 19th Century German-language literature and traces its economic function. Patrick’s general research interests focus on the history of exclusion, particularly in Antiziganism, its relation to Antisemitism, and its corresponding representation in literature. Furthermore, Patrick is also interested in the philosophy of psychoanalysis, notions of identity, and economic criticism.

Notable Honors

2024, Graduate Council Travel Award, University of Illinois Chicago

2024, Student Presenter Award, University of Illinois Chicago

2020-2024, Bridges Scholarship, University of Illinois Chicago

2022, Robert Kauf Excellence in Research Award,, University of Illinois Chicago

2020-2021, Max Kade Fellowship, University of Illinois Chicago


MA: University of Leipzig, Germany, Political Science and Sociology, 2013
BA: University of Leipzig, Germany, Political Science and History, 2010

Selected Presentations

UA Ruhr College for Social Science and Humanities, Inclinations:  Männerfreundschaften / Frauenfreundschaften (emerging scholars presentation), “Structural Antiziganism without People: The Gypsy in German Romanticism”,  Essen, Germany, Nov 2024

Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society and Conference on Romani Studies (paper presentation), “The Racialized Other in German Romantic Literature: A Study on Gypsy Depictions in the Early 19th Century,”  Sofia, Bulgaria, Sep 2024

Max Kade Conference, “Against Exclusivity: New Aesthetics in Literature and Film” (paper presentation), “Endless Masquerade: Chinua Achebe's ‘Der Pfeil Gottes,’” Chicago, IL, Nov 2021