Study Abroad
Overview Heading link

Take advantage of one of many Study Abroad Programs to advance your cultural literacy and German language skills. Studying abroad in the summer, for one semester or for one year in a German speaking country allows you to fulfill requirements of the Germanic Studies major and minor and your basic language requirement.
UIC students who participated in study abroad programs in German speaking countries came back as German enthusiasts, enhanced their career options, developed new research and study interests, became more open-minded, and certainly honed their German language skills.
Funding and Programs Heading link

Annually the German Department gives out eight $1200 Max Kade travel grants and the Study Aboard Office provides many more scholarship opportunities.
- Explore the 4-week summer language program at the Freie Universität in Berlin where you can earn up to 4 credit hours.
- Look through the entire list of Language and Area Studies programs offered in Germany.
- Discover the one semester or yearlong program in Wien: Illinois in Vienna Program.
For more information contact: Heading link
- Colleen Gray at the Study Abroad Office,
- Professor Susanne Rott in the Department of Germanic Studies,